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Parent Category: Knowledge
Category: Abrasive Cutting Wheels & Related Knowledge

    How do I know which wheel to use for my job?

    Use only wheels that have been designated for your job (application) and tool (machine).

    Listed below are a few things to consider before selecting an abrasive/grinding wheel.

1. Matching wheel's speed to tool's speed is critical. Never exceed the safe operating speed of a wheel.

2. Always a match your tool's mounting system to the system required by the wheel.Never use flanges that are undersized or the wrong type. Do not alter the tool or wheel. If the wheel does not fit on the tool without alterations, then it may be the wrong wheel for that tool.

3. Do not use a grinding tool without a wheel guard. The wheel must fit inside the protective wheel guard. The wheel guard is designed to protect you, the operator. Make certain the guard is the correct type and undamaged. The guard must be located between you and the wheel. Remember, the wheel guard is your lifeline, use it!

4. Never borrow a wheel from another job. The perfect wheel from one type of job may become a disaster at another job.

5. Select the best wheel shape (type), grit size, abrasive type, grade (bonding holding strength), wheel structure (space) and bond for your job. The aforementioned factors affect a wheels strength and safe operating speed. Typically, coarse grit wheels are better for applications with high stock removal and finer grit wheels for applications that require higher quality finishes. If you have questions, or want a better performing wheel, contact your SGA abrasive specialist for assistance.

6. Selecting the wrong wheel type for a machine is an ANSI safety violation. ANSI B7.1-2000, section 9.19 Wheel type for machine says,The type of bonded abrasive wheel used on any machine or tool shall only be that type or types for which that machine or tool has been designed. The machine manufacturers' recommendations shall always be complied with concerning the type of wheel to be used and the machine or tool must have the proper guarding, mounting and maximum speed limiting devices in accordance with this Standard.”If you do not know which wheel is the correct wheel for your job (application), stop and get assistance. Using the wrong wheel for your application (job) will not only cost you money, it may be unsafe. Be smart; get the correct wheel for your job!